Health Coaching Accelerator Program™

The Health Coaching Accelerator Program assists clinics in developing and implementing health coaching within a primary care team model.  This program focuses on training medical assistants, health educators, community health workers to provide health coaching for patients with hypertension and diabetes.  Trainees develop new skills to contribute to the primary care team and the potential to enhance their careers.  Health coaches will be able to support patients with diabetes and hypertension to address barriers to health improvement, enhance self-management skills and engage efficiently with the health center, all toward the goal of improving each patient’s health.  The curriculum combines didactic instruction and interactive training with on-the-job reinforcement and practicums to develop skills in health coaching.  The training is highly interactive and includes lectures, roles plays, practice exercises, written learning assessments, and skills evaluation.  Two levels of trainings are offered: Level 1 Introductory Health Coach (10 hours) and Level 2 Certified Health Coach (32 hours). Curriculum components may be provided via a combination of online and in-person modules. 




Health Coaching Model Clinic™